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Chelsea Lost But All Is Not

I've had some time to mull things over, and I've finally come to terms with what happened. Chelsea lost. I can't even... Chelsea lost! My geezer heart is bleeding.

 I think I'm a bit of a spoiled fan, or maybe this is just normal... It seems that after one of the teams I'm fond of has a particularly good run, the first reality check of a loss is devastating. To make matters worse, I wrote a post all about how this December didn't have to be the end for Chelsea. I even tried to prove statistically how unlikely that was. And now this.

Mind you, I have not watched the game. I've been out of town for far too long, and I've been very busy. Although the hotel I was in had WiFi, I was disconnected from internet and television during the match. I only caught the last two minutes of extra time. In other words, all my knowledge of the game originates from Twitter.
Nevertheless, I have a few (quite possibly unfounded) opinions:

This shows just how crucial Nemanja Matic is. The only way a struggling team like Newscastle can slip two past a (supposedly) invincible Chelsea is if there is a gaping Matic sized hole in the defence.

A part of me asks, why couldn't Diego Costa, who I'm absolutely in love with, Fabregas, Oscar, Eden Hazard, Drogba or anyone else for that matter have score just one more goal? Yet there's another part of me that knows what I saw. If only for two minutes, I saw Chelsea desperately trying to score... and getting blocked every time. Maybe it was too little too late, but I'd like to side with Mourinho in saying that “the best team lost”.

While the rest of the world pokes fun, I'll be here wondering why and desperately hoping never again.

 Ah well. If Chelsea is at the top of the table and the first loss has come at this late point in the season, the club isn’t doing bad at all. Roll on my beloved boys in blue. I hope you absolutely rattle the opposing side's net with a plethora of glorious goals next time!

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