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Barclays Premier League 14-15 Season Preview

Barclays Premier League 14/15 Preview
by Brandon Addeo

It is time to embark on this journey once more, the 9 month 38 game marathon known as the Barclays Premier Legue. After 3 months of impatiently wating, football fans from around the world can rejoice as we are now less than 24 hours away from that first kickoff. All the action, drama, excitement of the beautiful game are nearly back with us once more. The finest league in the world starts its 2014-2015 season on August 16th, a date which couldn't come soon enough. Glorty will be had by some, despair by other. Underdogs will challenges the stron, and new stars will emerge. As always, this year's title race looks just as contested as ever. Anything can happen in the BPL, but let's look at the league going into the season.

Candidates for the Top 4:

Arsenal- The North London club (and also my favorite club) look to be strong contenders this season. All personal bias aside, the Gunners truly look better going into this season than in past years. The signing of ex-Barcelona mand Alexis Sanchez strengthens the attack, and whether Arsene Wevenger decide to play him centrally or on the wing, his creativity and dribbling ability will prove crucial to the title race this year. Arfter a great perfomance at the World Cup, Joel Campbell has finally been called up to the first team, bringing more depth to the Gunners' strike force, which is much needed. Young players such as Yaya Sanogo and Gedion Zealem may find their names on the team sheet more frequently and can make names for themselve's on one of soccer's biggerst stages.

Chelsea- The Blues have been busy this off-season. Securing Cesc Fabregas from Barcelona adds to an already star-studded and threatening Chlsea midfield. The siging of Diego Costa, who scored 27 goals for Atletico Madrid last season gives Chelsea a dangerous attacking option. More than that, Chelsea legend and fan favorite Didier Drogba's return to the club adds even more dangers to their attacking options. The Blues now have to contend with a season without David Luiz, who has been sold to PSG. The Chelsea defense will definitely miss Luiz's ability. Thibaut Coutois has been confirmed by Jose Mourinho to be staying this season at Chelsea and will provide healthy competetion for Petr Cech. Chelsea look to be a very good team going into this season.

Liverpool- Life without Luis Suarez, is that something Liverpool is prepared for? At this point in time, I'm not so sure. While Liverpool still has a reliable striker in Daniel Sturridge, a club just doens't sell it's star striker, who won the Golder Boot the previous season, and not feel any kind of reprercussions for it. Liverpool have brought in striker Rickie Lambert and attacking midfielder Adam Lallana from Southampton. Still, I can't help but feel that Liverpool is not prepared for a post-Suarez world. I guess time will tell whether they can really step up or not, but I think theyr are still contenders for the top four.

Manchester United- After the complete nightmare that was last year's BPL campaign, Manchester United will surely re-emerge as a title contender under the new leadership of Louis van Gaal. With the quality playyers Man U has, they will surely be fighting in the top four again. With names such as Van Persie, Mata, Welbeck, Rooney, and the (overrated) youngster Januzaj, being managed by someone who know what they're doing, Man U have every reason to be fighting for the league title. The departure of Rio Ferdinand means that some expereience in the back four is lost, but whether players like Smalling and Evans can make up for that loss remains to be seen.

Manchester City- Obviously Man City is going to be fighting for another league title this season. The reigingin champions have won it twice in three years, and they are definite favorites for doing it again this year. City has also brough Bacary Sagna over from Arsenal, who will undoubtedly provide competition at the right back postion with Pablo Zabaleta. The current champions have also brought over Frank Lampard on loan from the soon to be NYCFC, and the ex-Chelsea man in a city shirt will undoubtedly create some discussion. I wonder how Chelsea fans will react to this? All in all, City are definte favorites to win the league again this year.

My Dark Horse:
Everton- To me, Everton is the most underrated club in the Premier League. They always threaten the top four but never get that much mention for it. Everton always gives the top clubs a run for their money. Now that they have Romelu Lukaku, I think Everton has a real chance of at the very least threatening to make the top four.

The  Premier League is always full of action and excitement, and this season should be no different. A lot can change in 9 months and unexpected things can happen, but this is what makes the great game and this is why the BPL is the best league in the world. Here's to an excitng 2014-2015 season.

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