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Rissy Santos Luiz FC - Preseason

Rissy Santos Luiz FC- Preaseason

Premier League Fantasy Manager Chronicles

from the desk of Coach Blackman

I have a bad history with fantasy manager. I build a squad every season. It is inevitably terrible, and I eventually give up.

This year, I plan on changing that… Well, my team will probably still be terrible, but I won’t give up.  Why won’t I give up? I’ll be posting a weekly update of my team here! 

Why do my teams usually fail miserably? Maybe it has a little to do with the fact that I have no real method of choosing players. I just scroll down the list and pick the names I like. The plan was to be a little more methodical this year…It didn’t happen exactly that way. I was less impulsive than I usually am, but I was still rather impulsive. 

I chose multiple players from Chelsea, Arsenal, and Man City because I believe one of those teams will win. Well…in Arsenal’s case I believe the team will do well for a significant amount of the season. (No offense Gunners. I’m just going off of the history I’ve seen.) I also chose one player from Man United and Liverpool because I think those two teams will be in the title race conversation. I just don’t believe in them enough to fill my team with their player.

…So let me introduce everyone to Rissy Santos Luiz FC. 

In goal, we have Boaz Myhill from Westbrom. There was actually a bit of thought behind this decision. In my experience, even good goalies don’t get many points, so I decided to buy the cheapest one I could find.
I’ve got four defenders: Per Mertesacker, Pablo Zabaleta, Aleksandar Kolarov, and Mathieu Debuchy. I know that it’s Mertesacker and Zabaleta only have a 75% chance of playing, but I view both of them as solid, integral elements to their squads. Hopefully, they’ll prove to be worth the possible wait for their return to health. Honestly, I picked Kolarov mainly because I think he’s hilarious. As far as Debuchy, he plays for Arsenal, and in my opinion Arsenal=lots of points.

As we move further up the field, you can start to see my true colors…CHELSEA BLUE!!!

I’m hoping Eden Hazard, Oscar, and good ole’ Jordan Hendo Henderson himself can hold down the midfield. Hazard and Oscar did wonders for me points wise last season, and I’m hoping they’ll do the same this year. As far as Jordan Henderson, I wanted at least one Liverpool player. People seem to be counting LFC out, but they just might do something….(chuckle chuckle)

Next are my forwards. These are the ones I’m really counting on to be my money makers: Olivier Giroud, Diego Costa, and Wayne Rooney. I really think Wayne Rooney’s going to be better than ever this year. He’s just been appointed captain, and I’m sure all the Red Devils are hungry-make that starving- for glory after the disastrous Moyes era. Giroud plays for Arsenal and earned lots of points last season. Diego Costa is an amazing striker and he plays for an amazing team. I'll admit that I'm a little worried about how he'll adjust to the Premier League, but he's the only decent striker on an above average team. How bad can he possibly do?

On the bench, I have the only people I had enough money left over to buy. Gilks, Bruce, El Hamadi, and Jonjo Shelvey. Jonjo Shelvery was actually a choice. Ever since I watched Being Liverpool, I’ve always like Jonjo.

My captain is Eden Hazard. He was my captain last year, and he hasn't given me any reason to change that. For vice captain, I have Wayne Rooney. As I've already stated, I think Wazza is going to be phenomenal this season.

This is my team! My reasons are absurd, and it just might crash and burn. Nevertheless, I’m taking you all along for the ride. Hope you enjoy.

--Marissa…I mean Coach Blackman


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