I just found this poem that I wrote last winter. Since today is transfer deadline day, what better time to post it.
Silly Season Sadness
You just read the news
It was so shocking you spit out your food
Your favorite player is moving on
Bon voyage
Believe it or not, he's gone
You call him a money grubbing glory hunting
Disloyal no good piece of something
But it's only because your mad
Truthfully you're just slightly happy for him
The lad's come far, done good for himself
But you'd never admit that
Push those feelings down
Disregard them
You want to rant
You want to fuss
Even though, honestly, you would've done the same
To you it's a game, but you know it's really a business
It's about profits, losses, and making money in the end
Where is he going? That club?
What a shame!
He's taken a step down, you say
But look at his pay
He got a promotion
You can't fault him for that
So you move onto another notion
He says he needed more time on the pitch
If he just hung on another season, the gaffer would've surely given him a minute or two
You know that's not true
Your club moved on first
He did too
And admit it now or later...
So will you
It's the sad, awful truth
There will be others
By the season's start,
He won't be the pain aching your heart
You might always remember him,
But you will forget
As soon as the next new boy steps on the pitch
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